the Past Productive
The Future of Construction 2024 Symposium
Accademia di architettura
Università della Svizzera italiana, USI

Call for Posters

Submit your Poster ↩

Deadline: 1 September 2024

Format: A0 portrait poster (PDF) and a short abstract (150 words). We recommend using a layout similar to the Better Poster, as explained here.

Note: The authors of the selected posters will be expected to present their work during the symposium. The presenters of posters will have a free admission to the full event.

Award: The best poster contribution will receive an award. The recipient will be announced during the award ceremony.


Early Bird Registration ↩

A limited number of Early Bird tickets are available now. Register now to claim your seat at the Future of Construction 2024 Symposium.

Early Bird Non-Academic / Industry: CHF 480 (instead of CHF 550)
Early Bird Academic: CHF 130 (instead of CHF 180)