Impressions FoC 2024
We would like to thank all participants, contributors, and sponsors of Future of Construction 2024 Symposium! Your engagement made the event a true success!
Stay connected and join us for the next FoC Symposium, which will take place May 19–23, 2026 at ETH Zürich, hosted by NCCR Digital Fabrication and Design++.
Keynote Presentations
Stuart Smith
ARUP / Holcim FoundationMario Carpo
The Bartlett School of ArchitectureRoger Boltshauser
Boltshauser Architekten / ETH ZurichAnnette Gigon
Gigon Guyer Architects
The Future of Construction Symposium series was initiated in 2022 at ETH Zurich, by PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers from the departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, as a platform to discuss construction robotics and computational design for sustainable construction. After a successful kick-off in 2022, it was held in TU Munich in 2023.
The 2024 edition of the symposium is organized by the professorship on Fabrication and Material Aware Architecture at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation at ETH Zurich in association with NCCR Digital Fabrication and Design++. It will be themed “Making the Past Productive” and aims to bring together past innovations and construction approaches and cutting-edge technological advancements in today’s built environment.
FoC 2024 will take place at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio from November 5 to 7, 2024 and will be held in person, with participants from academia, start-ups, and the construction industry, with invited speakers and panelists from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, digital fabrication, heritage preservation, real estate, sustainability, computational design, immersive technologies and many more. Together, we will discuss the opportunities for interdisciplinary solutions to urgent and emerging challenges in construction.
Ena LLoret-Fritschi
USI MendrisioSilke Langenberg
ETH ZurichSelen Ercan Jenny
USI MendrisioOrkun Kasap
ETH ZurichFrancesca Mirone
USI MendrisioDominik Reisach
ETH ZurichSacha Cutajar
USI Mendrisio -
Muck Petzet
USI MendrisioBarbara Carnevali
USI MendrisioDanielle Griego
ETH Zurich / Design++Anton Savov
ETH Zurich / Design++Bernd Bickel
ETH ZurichDavid Jenny
ZHAWKonrad Graser
ZHAWStefana Parascho
EPF LausanneBirgitta Schock
SIALudovica Molo
BSAAndrea Realini
Real Capital Management AG
Stuart Smith
ARUP / Holcim FoundationMario Carpo
The Bartlett School of ArchitectureRoger Boltshauser
Boltshauser Architekten / ETH ZurichAnnette Gigon
Gigon Guyer Architects -
Jacqueline Pauli
ZPF Ingenieure / ETH ZurichMatthias Brenner
ETH ZurichPatrick Suppiger
BETONSUISSEMartina Bischof
RE-WINJochen Ganz
QuadraLignaAna Anton
ETH ZurichRobert Flatt
ETH ZurichHadi El Hage
European Cultural CentreFabio Amicarelli
FoldcastCédric Domon
Müller SteinagEliott Sounigo
LAYEREDViviana Pozzoli
Equipo de ArquitecturaTsz Yan Ng
University of MichiganFabio Gramazio
ETH ZurichClaudia Eugenin Soto
T2CMAnton Savov
ETH Zurich / Design++Birgitta Schock
SIAMaik Ilmer
Ilmer ThiesFelix Thies
Ilmer ThiesQuintus Miller
Miller & Maranta / USIClemens Woegerbauer
Holcim (Schweiz) AGKuba Szczesniak
ScandensYves Reuland
Workshop #01
Future EarthDate: 04.–05. November 2024
About: Can we design the way earthen buildings erode over time using digital technologies?
Workshop lead: Sacha Cutajar, Ema Krakovska, Joschua Gosslar
Workshop #02
From Waste to ResourceDate: 05. November 2024
About: Design optimization and augmented fabrication for the reuse of concrete cutting waste.
Workshop lead: Beril Önalan, Eleftherios Triantafyllidis, Ioana Mitropoulou
Workshop #03
Preserving Knowledge & Data in DFABDate: 05. November 2024
About: How do we prepare current construction for future maintenance and repair?
Workshop lead: Adrian Pöllinger, Laurence Crouzet, Rolf Imseng, Li Chen
Workshop #04
Architecture and AIDate: 05. November 2024
About: How can artificial intelligence (AI) impact architecture concretely?
Workshop lead: Pierre Chèvremont, Lidor Gilad, Stefano Hu, Andrea Suardi, Elia Rossi
Workshop #05
Augmented CarpentryDate: 05. November 2024
About: How can computer vision revolutionize traditional woodworking techniques?
Workshop lead: Andrea Settimi
Workshop #06
Learning from 'Failure'Date: 05. November 2024
About: How can failure stories in construction be turned into success stories?
Workshop lead: Kim Nørgaard Helmersen
Workshop #07
Scaling New Materials for Net ZeroDate: 05. November 2024
About: How can we achieve net-zero impacts when scaling new construction materials?
Workshop lead: Sasha Cisar, Nabila Pranoto, Thibault Demoulin, Chrissie Muhr, Kika Brockstedt, Götz Hilber
Workshop #08
Collaborative StructureDate: 05. November 2024
About: Participative fabrication with recycled timber through digitally augmented processes.
Workshop lead: Yves Ebnöther, Konrad Graser, Edurne Morales, David Jenny
Workshop #09
UNDODate: 05. November 2024
About: Human-robot interaction for real-time design and reconfiguration of timber structures.
Workshop lead: Eleni Skevaki, Marirena Kladeftira, Ziqi Wang, Jingwen Wang, Sihui Wu, Stefana Parascho
Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio
Building: TAM - Teatro dell’Architettura
Via Alfonso Turconi 25
CH 6850 Mendrisio -
Participants who spend at least one night in Ticino will receive a Ticino Ticket, offering free travel on all public transport and numerous discounts in the region. For more information see here.
By train
Milan → Mendrisio
Malpensa Airport: S50 Railway TILO Direction Malpensa-Biasca
Milano Central Station: RE80 Railway TILO Direction Milano-Biasca
Zurich → Mendrisio
Zurich HB: EC Railway Direction Zurich-Milano Centrale → Transfer in Lugano
→ S10 Railway Direction Lugano-ChiassoBy car
A2 motorway → Mendrisio exit
Parking spaces are available in the parking garage located on the lower floors of the Canavee Building, Via Giuseppe Buffi 5, 6850 Mendrisio.
Please book your accommodation on the official hotel website or via email, specifying the event Future of Construction 2024 or entering the code FOC2024 when making your reservation to access a special discount. Even if the hotels appear fully booked, please contact them since there is a number of rooms reserved for the event.